Sunday, November 4, 2012


November is the month where you can grow a dirty stache for a good cause. The purpose of growing a moustache for Movember is to raise awareness and funds for prostate cancer and other cancers that affect men. Now you might be wondering, what exactly is a prostate?

The prostate is a part of the male reproductive system. It adds nutrients and fluid to sperm. Normally the size of a walnut, the prostate can be divided into right and left "lobes." It is located in front of the rectum, just below the bladder. It surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine and semen through the penis. 

The growth of cells in the prostate, both healthy and cancerous, is stimulated by testosterone. Male hormones, including testosterone, are produced almost entirely by the testicles, with only a small percentage produced by adrenal glands (small glands found just above the kidneys).

What is prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer to affect Canadian men. One in seven men will be diagnosed with the disease in their lifetime. 

Prostate cancer is a disease where some prostate cells have lost normal control of growth and division. They no longer function as healthy cells. 

A cancerous prostate cell has the following features:
•    Uncontrolled growth
•    Abnormal structure
•    The ability to move to other parts of the body (invasiveness).

It is important to note that not all clusters of cells growing in a mass are cancerous, and that a prostate with an irregular shape is not necessarily cancerous either. It is advisable to ask your doctor what it may be. 

Prostate cancer can be slow-growing and some men who develop prostate cancer may live many years without ever having the cancer detected. It is important to get screened regularly so that if you do develop prostate cancer, the appropriate action can be taken. A significant proportion of prostate cancers, if untreated, may have serious consequences. 

Who gets prostate cancer?
Age: The chance of getting prostate cancer rises quickly after a man reaches age 50. Age is the most important risk factor for prostate cancer. 

Race: Prostate cancer is more common in men of African or Caribbean descent and less common in men of Asian descent. 

Family history: Genetics plays a role - the risk of prostate cancer increases if close family members have had the disease. 
Diet: Men who eat a low-fibre, high-fat diet have a higher rate of prostate cancer. Research suggests that saturated fat (commonly found in processed foods, whole-milk dairy products and fatty cuts of meat) increases the production of the hormone testosterone, which may help prostate cancer cells grow.  

Lifestyle: Having a high Body Mass Index (BMI) may increase the risk of prostate cancer. Being physically active is a good preventative tactic, along with losing weight and eating the right foods. Consuming lycopene (found in tomatoes and tomato products), soy, green tea and cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli), among other foods and nutrients, may help to prevent prostate cancer.
It is possible to develop prostate cancer even when none of these risk factors is present.

Information courtesy of Prostate Cancer Canada - also check the website for information on how to know if you have prostate cancer, why testing is important, and much more -

Studies show that men are less likely to go to the doctors for a yearly physical checkup. This increases the risk for prostate cancer (and other cancers) to be terminal. Awareness is very important to encourage men to book an appointment and get checked. 

Some tips to prevent cancer:
  • Have an annual physical checkup
  • Know your family health history
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Exercise regularly 
  • Manage stress in a healthy way

Movember has been very successful in the past few years, in 2011 over 854,000 Mo Bros and Mo Sistas worldwide raised $125.7 million.

To purchase this awesome t-shirt, click on this link.

For more info visit:

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012

Perfect gift: Lush Charity Pot

This product has been around for a while now and I really love it. The fact that so many important charities are supported just warms my heart! Every single penny (yes, 100%) of the proceeds from this purchase go directly to charities around the world.

For $21.95 you get 225g of intense therapy body lotion. Main ingredients include almond oil, fair trade cocoa butter, and ylang ylang oil. Aromatherapists the scent of ylang ylang to reduce stress and relieve depression. In areas where this plant is grown (typically the Philippines), the term 'ylang ylang' means 'flower of flowers'.

Some recent charities that Lush has donated the money to include the Responsible Animal Care Society in Kelowna, Under the Same Sun, a charity that works with ending the discrimination against albinos in Tanzania, and Friends of the Rouge. These are all incredible causes that deserve some recognition! 

One of my favorite things about Lush is that they don't test any of their products on animals and their products are fair trade. This product in particular is certified as vegan, meaning that it does not contain animal products of any kind. 

Visit the Lush website for more information.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Free Bookmarks

To download the bookmarks in the picture above, click here

Sharon Rowan 
Her blog: 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mothers Day Gift Ideas

Most people find it hard to think of a mothers day present because they think that their mom already has everything that she could possibly want. But thats not always the case! Mom's truly are heros and deserve much more recognition than they get! Considering that buying gifts for other people is a really good talent of mine, I can give some advice to all those people who are lost and don't know what to get their mom for mothers day.

My favorite gift:

These bracelets are not only gorgeous, but they support an incredible cause. Each bracelet is hand made by a working woman in Nepal. I can guarantee your mother will love these bracelets, especially when she hears that they were hand-crafted in Nepal! These are perfect for this seasons bright colors.

1 bracelet - 15.00$
3 bracelets - 35.00$

Other options:

A set of 10 fragrance samples that includes a voucher for a full size bottle of perfume. You test out all of the samples, then when you decide what one is your favorite, you go to Sephora, fill out the voucher and get the full size bottle for no cost. This is such a perfect idea. I also love the little travel perfume case that it comes with!
Your mom will love this if she likes perfume, makeup, and is fashionable for her age.
Price: $50.00 ($90.00 value) 

Lately I have been kind of obsessed with the candles from Bath & Body Works. They all smell beyond delicious! Every time I light these candles people compliment me on them. They come in tons of different flavors. If your mom is a traditional & stereotypical mom, she will love these.
Price: $20.00

Breakfast in Bed
Who doesn't love breakfast in bed? Its a classic. Spend some time and make your mom a nice breakfast!  If you want to be adventurous and make her something delicious that you haven't made before, you will need to practice before you make it for her. 

Here is a recipe for the perfect pancakes!

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Dalai Lama’s Message To The Students Of Hawaii!

They prepared the stage for His Holiness to arrive by filling it with break-dancing boys and girls dancing with gusto, playing guitars and singing. We were in Honolulu, awaiting an appearance by the 14th Dalai Lama, spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhism and Nobel Peace Prize-winning activist, at an event put on byPillars of Peace.
The event began with ukulele player Jake Shimabukuro who talked about how His Holiness had inspired him with his message of simplicity. To demonstrate, he removed one string of his ukulele and played with only three — showing that even with three strings, there was a lot he could do. He finished by saying that to make music, you must create it inside, before you can bring it outside.
Then the soulful Pam Omidyar, who founded this event together with her husband Pierre, took the stage to introduce the Dalai Lama. Omidyar reminded the 9,000 high-school students in the audience that by the time the Dalai Lama was their age, he had already been exiled from his country, Tibet, and had obtained the equivalent of a Ph.D. in Buddhism.
When the Dalai Lama came out he began by simply bowing — he bowed to Pam, to the singer on the stage, and to the audience. To see him, the embodiment of compassion, bow so genuinely was humbling. It made me want to stand and bow, too.
He was draped in wreathes of Hawaiian flowers, and began by saying that while he loved them, they were too heavy on his shoulders. He took them off, leaving one on as a gesture of respect.
The Dalai Lama started his talk by saying, “You are my brothers and sisters, and I speak to you from that place, because we are all the same.” When he said it, it resonated with everyone out to the last row of the stadium. That is what makes being in his presence transformational: He is so at ease with himself, he puts his audience at ease, too. You sense his authenticity and as he talks there is an overwhelming sense that he embodies the words he is saying.
He explained to the students that there are two levels of compassion: the biological compassion that we feel for our family, our friends, and our loved ones — and then the more substantial compassion which you can extend it to strangers and then to even your enemies.
He asked us all to begin by trying to cultivate it for someone we don’t know very well, and then to extend it to total strangers.
He talked about the gap between perception and reality — how people read a situation by projecting their own emotional baggage, which causes distortion. That is why he emphasized that we all must strive to have transparency in our interactions with people. Otherwise there is mistrust, which causes fear, which can then develop into frustration, anger and violence.
If developing compassion is something we can teach ourselves, then the Dalai Lama’s message is essentially “educating the heart” — an education that is not merely about developing the mind and getting good grades. Rather, it is about fostering an environment where we can learn empathy.
Too often, our society encourages competition and only values power. The result of an education that teaches those skills, I worry, will be insecurity and isolation. True confidence, however, comes from being compassionate to others– which is the main foundation of educating the heart.
The century of our generation has passed — it is now the next generation’s chance to do better than this generation has done, to create a society of connectivity and compassion.
When the Dalai Lama finished speaking, he bowed again and all the students stood and gave him a long, standing ovation. As everyone filed out, I felt grateful for the opportunity to spend time with this amazing man, and to gain a little more understanding of how we can educate our hearts. As we boarded the bus, the wind blowing in the trees made them look a bit like they were bowing, too.


To read more about how to unbind your heart at where you can download the guided meditation.

For more by Agapi Stassinopoulos, click here.
Hibiscus / Hibisco

Visual inspiration by: Mastin Kipp 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Adorable printable cupcake flags

Click on the link to this amazing website called Love vs. Design. These are SO adorable and I can't believe these are free! 

{Free Printable} Watermelon Thank You Notes

{Free Printable} Watermelon Thank You Notes

Check out this amazing blog with tons of free printables! Seriously, I love this girls graphic design style.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Trading Tortoise

This project called the Trading Tortoise is so awesome. I can't really explain it in my own words because it has an actual plan and proposal. Definitely check out the website for more information! 

P.s. in June they are having a show in Toronto! That sounds like a total blast and I'd love to go! Look at the website for more information :)

The Secret to Happiness

Friday, April 20, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Sprinkles by Lee Crutchley | Quoteskine
Sprinkles, a photo by Lee Crutchley | Quoteskine on Flickr.


Untitled by meagan f
Untitled, a photo by meagan f on Flickr.

Urban View: Traffic in Hanoi

An array of motorbikes crossing Long Bien Bridge on the Red River in Hanoi, Viet Nam
Half of the world’s population lives in urban environments. One billion people, one out of three urban dwellers, are living in slum conditions today. Providing them with better housing and education will be one of the great challenges facing a world of 7 billion people and counting.
Photo ID 490555. 29/06/2011. Hanoi, Viet Nam. UN Photo/Kibae Park.


Untitled by whygeorgie
Untitled, a photo by whygeorgie on Flickr.


Untitled by whygeorgie
Untitled, a photo by whygeorgie on Flickr.


Untitled by whygeorgie
Untitled, a photo by whygeorgie on Flickr.

I'm obsessed with the mess that's America!


Sxephil !

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sunday, April 15, 2012

walk this way to the horizon

Somewhere Only We Know

Somewhere Only We Know  by Time to Live
Somewhere Only We Know , a photo by Time to Live on Flickr.

enter my world

enter my world by Time to Live
enter my world, a photo by Time to Live on Flickr.

magic shop

magic shop by Glen.m
magic shop, a photo by Glen.m on Flickr.


Untitled by . Entrer dans le rêve
Untitled, a photo by . Entrer dans le rêve on Flickr.


Yorkshire by st_hart
Yorkshire, a photo by st_hart on Flickr.

Gene & Jill

Gene & Jill by Collin Hughes
Gene & Jill, a photo by Collin Hughes on Flickr.

Orange and fire.

Orange and fire. by Marina W. S.
Orange and fire., a photo by Marina W. S. on Flickr.

First Date.

First Date. by theseyoungarchies
First Date., a photo by theseyoungarchies on Flickr.

banksia rose

banksia rose by breeze.kaze
banksia rose, a photo by breeze.kaze on Flickr.

The things about life that I've learned is that you're going to get hurt. You're going to have crazy nights and cry yourself to sleep for hours. You're going to suffer some kind of heartbreak, some kind of life loss. But you will also have those moments where you heal. Those moments are the best. You feel like you smile for the first time again. You feel like you're alive again. 
Life just kind of restarts.  
"How did it happen that their lips came together? How does it happen that birds sing, that snow melts, that the rose unfolds, that the dawn whitens behind the stark shapes of trees on the quivering summit of the hill? A kiss, and all was said."

- Victor Hugo

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Officially had my last class in first year of university!

I can't believe that my first year has pretty much ended. Its honestly crazy! I can't believe I made it to this point. This year I really noticed that no matter what happens, the world always keeps spinning, with or without you. You just have to keep on treading and make the best out of every moment. 

I've had some really good times recently. Going out with Jannis to frat parties, meeting my best friends boyfriend, going on adventures downtown, and so many more. I'm going to miss all those late nights of working on a project late at school with my best friends, KK, JJ, and Jannis. Yeah its stressful in the moment, but looking back it was all so worth it. 

School wouldn't even be an option if I didn't have these people. I would seriously die of boredom in a lecture without Kristen or Jannis, and how could I ever edit things without Jeff? It wouldn't be any fun if Jeff wasn't there for me to gross out! Who would I play pranks on Kristen with? I wouldn't have anyone to give my leftovers to! I love these three people to death and I wouldn't be here in this place right now. You guys have made my first year bearable! 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

LOVE HIM! Toronto represent!

I'm so happy that GG is doing well & he has all this going for him. Greg totally deserves it, like what a genuine good guy.

I really want him to do a new season of The Avenue and have a meetup in Toronto. That would be a blast!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Easter!

Well, it seems as though the semester is already coming to an end. One 1 more week of school until exams. I really can't believe it. It seems like yesterday where I was crying about my boyfriend in september, now its April and I'm sitting here in shock. Time really does go on without everyone. The world kept turning without me.
I have finished most of my projects, there is still one left. This semester was so hard for me. I'm glad that with all the shit that I've been going through, I'm almost finished my first year in university.
This summer is going to be the best one ever. I'm going to take chances and really put myself out there. Last summer was just totally brutal, I have to make up for it by going all out this summer. This includes talking to new people, going out every night, acting ridiculous, having fun no matter what. I want to just drive to the beach, relax on the beach all day, dance all night. This summer is going to be different.
Recently I decided I am going to cut one of my best friends out of my life. I'm doing this because both of us have just changed so much, we have nothing to even talk about. All she does is hang out with her boyfriend. She wasn't there for me when I needed her the most. It is unfortunate because we were friends since grade 3.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Here I am once again

Once more, I'm sitting here. Had such a shitty day, I'm suffocating with all this homework. I was doing so well, I hadn't thought about my ex in days. How am I ever going to get all of this homework done?

I saw the hunger games today. I can't really describe if I liked it or not. The love scenes were so... terrible. they reminded me of my ex so much. I had to close my eyes. Why can't a genuine guy just come along and treat me like a queen?

Last weekend I went to a frat party for University of Toronto, it was St. Patrick's day. I went with Jannis, her boyfriend, and her boyfriends friend. It was such an amazing party. I have never been so lost in the music when I was at a party. I just felt really free. I was actually with people that I liked.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Justice for Trayvon Martin

Sign this online petition to prosecute George Zimmerman, killer of 17 year-old Trayvon Martin. In late February Trayvon was walking home from a convenience store when George Zimmerman called the police reporting a suspicious boy. Zimmerman followed the young boy and shot him in the chest. Zimmerman has not been punished or arrested. Please sign this petition so Trayvon's family has some sort of closure!

For more information on the case, please visit this link that will direct you to the Anderson website where he covers the story with Trayvon Martin's parents.

Please sign the petition on here.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Saturday, March 10, 2012

International Suicide Prevention

Everyone needs to know this!

The International Suicide Prevention Wiki (ISP Wiki) is a worldwide directory of suicide prevention hotlines, text-lines, and resources. The ISP Wiki is open source to be used by any individual or organization. This directory was created for the PostSecret App and may be used freely in other apps to instantly connect people in need to crisis centers near them.

This was me last year

March !

Wow, I can't believe Valentines day was a month ago... I can't believe I have survived this long! Midterms are over and I'm not as stressed. I think that university makes everyone insane. They drown us in homework and mentally the fuck the shit out of us so its like I've worked so hard, I can't fail now. 

Its crazy where things are with my ex. Who ever thought that I would be writing this? A year ago I NEVER thought this was how things would have ended. I thought I was going to be with this guy forever, like legit get married and have kids. Now I realize how wrong and naive I was. We weren't right for each other in the slightest. I know there's another guy out there for me! I want to be able to be myself around this guy. I want him to love me for the genuine me. 

Next weekend is St. Patricks day, I'm hopefully going to be partying friday night and saturday night! So i want to go clubbing at the place called 'on the rox' on Friday, then on Saturday night go to a St. Patrick's day kegger at a frat house downtown. I can't wait to dress up for St. Patrick's day! I have this huge project due this week, so going out two days in a row will just end it off fucking perfectly! 

Recently the Joseph Kony campaign has come out and it went really viral. Pretty much everyone knows what it is. All I can think is wow, this guy is so terrible. How could one man cause so much pain? Nobody stopped Hitler when he was killing millions of people, we need to stop this guy before he kills anymore. Over 30 million child soldiers have been taken by Kony. I personally think being a child soldier is worse than just dying. I could never kill anyone/anything. I would rather die. Kony does not deserve to live.

We need to get this fucker If we all come together and raise awareness - we can get this guy. Also, trend #KONY2012 on twitter. Post the video on facebook. Put the poster up all over your city. Send the video to everyone in your family. The following link is to the official KONY 2012 website. It tells you all about the non-profit organization Invisible Children, the organization is running the campaign to get justice and put Joseph Kony to an end. 


P.S. I really want to get either a pet turtle or a pet frog. Hopefully next time I blog I will actually get one!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The new acrylic nail

I love this! I am totally getting these. I hope they ship to Canada!

I have gotten a few sets of acrylic nails recently and now my nails are totally destroyed. They are so thin and have the bump from getting acrylics! Getting acrylics is like a terrible addiction, you know they ruin your nails but they are just so pretty. After you get them once you have to get them again and again because your nails looks awful after!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Candy Heart Gift Tags

This is such a cute idea for valentines day! Its so creative and resourceful looking. You could also draw on the gift wrap, making it even more personalized.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

How to Get Over an Ex

Recently I just got out of a long term relationship. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to go through! It was a mutual breakup. Its been three months and I'm still not entirely over it. Most people tell me it took them 6 months - a year to fully be over their ex, but obviously it varies with every situation. So many of my friends have told me so much advice that was SO good and has helped me so much! All of this is advice from my friends, family, and myself. Here are some tips on how to get over your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend!

1. Delete him from your life.
Remove all pictures, any gifts he gave you, delete him from all social media (e.g. facebook, myspace, twitter, etc.) and most importantly, delete his number from your cell phone. Remove everything that reminds you of them!

2. Write down a list of all the mean things s/he did to you. Write down the reasons you guys would have never worked out.
If he cheated, let out all your anger onto paper. Then, when you miss him, go back and read what you wrote. Hopefully you will think, wow, he's actually an asshole and will feel better.

3. Let yourself mourn.
Cry as much as you want, eat ice cream and chocolate, do whatever makes you feel better. Let it all out. This cannot last longer than a month!

4. Reconnect with old friends & meet new ones.
Start talking to people that you used to talk to, it will remind you that you were happy before your ex was in your life. Force yourself to go out with your friends and family and have a good time! You really need to put yourself out there and realize you DO have potential.

5. Do things that make you feel good.
Go shopping and buy some new clothes, get yourself a mani/pedi, whatever. Go out for dinner with your family and friends. Go for hikes with your dog. It is important that you get active, you can't just mope around all day. When your active, it makes you feel happier.

The MOST important thing is to remember that you are not alone. You will get through this. Reach out to people who have gone through a breakup, they will understand what your going through.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Its 2012!

I can't believe its 2012. Where does all the time go? I have started my second semester of university! I just finished my first week and I am not looking forward to the upcoming months, I am going to be drowning in work. The projects are brutal. One of my goals this year is to keep up with all of the readings. It is so difficult because its so boring.

Things have been getting a lot better without my ex-boyfriend. I think about him so much less now. I went out friday night to the winter kegger at a frat house on the University of Toronto campus. I was hoping to meet at least 1 nice guy, but I didn't meet anyone that I liked. It was definitely worth it though. I haven't gone out in FOREVER and I really need to start putting myself out there if I want to meet new people!

The party was crazy, it was exactly like how you see it in movies. It was a big house with huge pillars, then there was a sign on that said the name of the frat in greek. The beer was disgusting and the music was awful, but whatever. I'm glad I went!

Things are going well so far, I hope this year has a lot of good things in store for me. I want to take advantage of my freedom and have fun!

The first two pictures are at the kegger, then the last one is my two friends and I in the lab at school.